
The Road to Palmyra

The Road to Palmyra

Katalog til udstillingen “Vejen til Palmyra”, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, 2019.

The Road to Palmyra is the first special exhibition in Denmark devoted to the culture of ancient Palmyra – an oasis lacated in present-day Syria. In a time when globalisation, migration and cultural conflict permeate the agenda in many places in the modern world, Palmyra has again attracted attention with its fascinating history as one of the ancient world’s multicultural societies.

It was located at the Efqa Spring in the Syrian Desert halfway between the Euphrates and the Mediterranean. The oasis city was a natural nodal point between trade and caravan routes. And a centre for the exchange of both goods and cultures between East and West; at the same time the city was the easternmost bastion of the Roman Empire. With this background it became a vibrant meeting point for various cultures. Many caravans travelled through the city. They brought silk from China; cotton, spices, jewelry and dyestuffs from India; ivory from Africa; myrrh and incense from Arabia and wine, metals and glass from the West. It is also in Palmyra that we encounter the story of the legendary queen, Zenobia.

ISBN 9788774523635
sider 284
Additional Info Anne Marie Nielsen & Rubina Raja ed., Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, 2019,
H 29.7 cm
W 21.3 cm
Vægt 1300 g


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